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Showing posts from November, 2018

Introducing the CILIP NW Committee Marg Charlesworth, Blog Editor

Name: Marg Charlesworth  Role on the CILIP NW Committee : Blog Editor Work: Public Librarian  Which other CILIP member networks do you belong to?   I’ve joined lots of CILIP special interest groups, for example the School Libraries Group, Public and Mobile Libraries Group). It' s a great way to find out what’s going on across different sectors. Over the past year or so I’ve enjoyed going to some of the really interesting (often free) events they have hosted. There are bursaries for the annual CILIP conference available through these groups that are definitely worth applying for.  I’m always keen to learn how libraries can best market the many amazing things they offer and have just signed up to go to the Publicity and Public Relations group conference in January 2019 to get some more inspiration for how to market events I'm involved in. How has your career developed up to now?   After doing a language degree (a long time ago) I spent two years working as long ha